Once in the grant, users will see several tabs. The information contained in these tabs is updated as changes and/or updates are made to a grant.
The tabs include:
- Overview: This is information about the Grant Program.
- Award: This is information about the Award (or awards if your original grant was amended), including a link to the signed award letter (if applicable).
- $ Actuals: This is information about the total amount paid to a grantee organization for this grant.
- Requests: There are not likely to be requests made at the grant level (most are managed at the award level), but they would be located here.
- Management: This is information related to required progress reports (this would include milestone type reporting, not reporting on SGCs, etc.).
- Attachments: This will include documents that users submitted as part of their application.
- History: This is the history of the grant information.
Figure 9: Image of the Grant Information Tabs
Award Tab
To view the Grant Award and all associated information, users should select the Award Tab.
Figure 10: Image of Navigating to the Award Tab
To find out more details, users should select the green eyeball icon next to their grant.
Figure 11: Image of Selecting the View Icon for an Award
Once users have selected their award, they will see a new set of tabs. Each of these tabs is associated with the Award. The information contained on these tabs is updated as there are changes and/or updates to the Award.
Figure 12: Image of the Award Information Tabs
The Award tabs include:
- Overview: This is information about the selected Award.
- $ Actuals: This is information about the total amount paid to a grantee organization for this award (this will include any payments being currently processed for distribution and any payments made in the past). This is a tab that grantees will be interested in visiting often.
- Management: This is information related to any amendments that affect this award.
- Terms: This is information related to a grantee’s payment request schedule, progress report schedule, Special Grant Conditions, and the Terms and Conditions related to this award.
- Performance: This is the repository of progress reports grantees have provided to LSC (if applicable) related to this award.
- Attachments: The award letter (if applicable) and any documents that the grantee organization submitted as part of their application will be located here.
- History: This is the history of the award information.
- Collab: This will be a convenient place to communicate directly to LSC staff about this award. The training for this process will be deployed shortly by LSC.