
John Echohawk
LSC Champion of Justice

Nominated by Gloria Valencia-Weber

"John E. Echohawk's contribution to access to justice, epitomized by the recognition of the Thurgood Marshall Award at the ABA Annual Meeting in 2023, stands as a monumental testament to his lifelong dedication to Native American civil rights through his work with the Native American Rights Fund (NARF). For over five decades, Echohawk has tirelessly advocated for Native American tribes, organizations and individuals, effectively utilizing the legal system to rectify historical injustices and uphold their rights. Through NARF, founded in 1970 during the civil rights movement, Echohawk and his team have provided invaluable legal assistance and representation, catalyzing pivotal shifts in federal Indian policy and jurisprudence.

One of the landmark cases undertaken by Echohawk and NARF was the U.S. v. Washington case, which centered on Indian treaty rights to fish in traditional territories. This case not only secured crucial rights for tribes in western Washington but also reaffirmed the significance of Native American treaties as binding legal instruments under the Constitution. Furthermore, Echohawk's advocacy extended to tribes affected by federal termination policies, such as the Menominee Nation in Wisconsin, facilitating their restoration and recognition by Congress.

Echohawk's impact transcends the courtroom, as demonstrated by the Maine tribal land case. By leveraging historical laws like the 1790 Non-Intercourse Act, Echohawk successfully challenged state encroachments on tribal lands, leading to landmark settlements and the return of significant territories to tribes in Maine. Moreover, Echohawk's strategic engagement in federal elections underscores the broader effort to safeguard Native American civil rights, particularly in areas such as voting rights and redistricting.

Echohawk's commitment to Tribal sovereignty and self-determination echoes throughout his career, exemplified by his pivotal role in advocating for tribes' rights to engage in gaming activities, a significant economic driver for many tribes. Despite evolving challenges, including shifts in the composition of the Supreme Court, Echohawk's leadership remains steadfast. The success of cases like Haaland v. Brackeen underscores the enduring impact of Echohawk's advocacy and the collaborative efforts of NARF in defending Native American rights.

Furthermore, the establishment of the Tribal Supreme Court Project underscores Echohawk's foresight in fostering collaboration among Tribal leaders, legal experts and practitioners to address ongoing legal challenges. By monitoring cases headed to the Supreme Court and offering assistance, this initiative ensures that Native American voices are heard and represented at the highest levels of the legal system.

In essence, John E. Echohawk's lifetime of service and leadership at the Native American Rights Fund has been instrumental in advancing access to justice for Native American communities. His tireless advocacy, strategic legal interventions and commitment to Tribal empowerment have not only transformed legal landscapes but also paved the way for a more just and equitable future for Native Americans across the nation."

Learn more about John Echohawk's work