Antone "Gerry"

Antone "Gerry" Singsen
LSC Champion of Justice

"Gerry Singsen's lifelong dedication to advancing access to justice for the marginalized and underprivileged left an unforgettable impact on the legal aid landscape. His multifaceted contributions encompassed leadership, advocacy, strategic planning, and mentorship, earning him recognition as a visionary and a trailblazer in civil legal services.

Beginning his career as a staff attorney at the Legal Aid Society of Westchester County, Gerry quickly distinguished himself through his commitment to social justice. He successfully litigated landmark cases, including New York's welfare residency case, which set legal precedents upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, and a pivotal voting rights case. These early victories laid the foundation for his subsequent endeavors.

Gerry's impact extended beyond the courtroom as he assumed leadership roles in managing and securing funding for civil legal services. Notably, his tenure as Deputy Director of Community Action for Legal Services in New York City saw the establishment of innovative management and performance systems, garnering national acclaim.

His influence reached a zenith through his involvement in shaping federal legal services policies. Gerry played instrumental roles in the establishment of the Legal Services Corporation (LSC) in 1975 and later in steering it through turbulent political waters during the Reagan and Gingrich administrations. His strategic acumen and unwavering commitment were pivotal in safeguarding legal services from budgetary threats and ensuring continued support for the most vulnerable communities.

Beyond his administrative prowess, Gerry was a prolific writer and educator, disseminating knowledge and advocating for best practices in legal aid. His seminal work, "High-Quality Legal Representation," redefined the objectives of legal services, emphasizing the imperative of improving the lives of impoverished individuals through effective representation.

Together with his wife, Jayne, Gerry founded "Singsen and Tyrrell Associates," a training organization that empowered countless legal services professionals to enhance their agencies' performance. His consultancy work with the Massachusetts Access to Justice Commission epitomized his dedication to systemic reform, as he spearheaded initiatives to expand funding and promote best practices in service delivery.

Gerry's legacy transcends accolades and awards; it lies in the tangible improvements he effected in access to justice nationwide. His strategic foresight, coupled with his compassionate demeanor, endeared him to colleagues and beneficiaries alike. Gerry's enduring commitment to equality and fairness underscores his status as a champion of social justice, leaving an indelible imprint on the fabric of legal aid advocacy.

In commemorating Gerry Singsen's legacy, we honor not only his professional achievements but also his embodiment of empathy, integrity, and resilience. His life's work stands as a testament to the transformative power of legal advocacy in advancing the rights and dignity of society's most marginalized members. As we reflect on his contributions, let us recommit ourselves to the pursuit of justice for all, in tribute to Gerry's enduring legacy of compassion and service."