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August 5, 2024
Reps. Scanlon and Fitzpatrick Introduce House Resolution to Recognize 50th Anniversary of LSC
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July 29, 2024
More than Half of Americans Mistakenly Think They Have a Right to an Attorney in All Civil Cases
December 01, 2021
"Fast and Cheap" Evictions Help Fuel Housing Crisis, New LSC Brief Finds
LSC released an interactive brief today exploring variations in the speed and cost of eviction in the U.S. and the implications these trends have for tenants. The brief examines the timelines and costs of eviction for nonpayment of rent – the most common reason landlords file for eviction – based on the laws in 56 states and U.S. territories.
November 23, 2021
Talk Justice: Episode Twenty Three
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused courts—previously slow to adopt new technology—to leap into prioritizing digital services. As legal aid and court services increase the use of online tools, there is a concern that people without access to technology and high-speed internet will be left behind. This gap, referred to as the “digital divide,” is the topic of the latest Talk Justice episode.
November 23, 2021
Talk Justice, an LSC Podcast: The Digital Divide is About More than Internet Access
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused courts—previously slow to adopt new technology—to leap into prioritizing digital services. As legal aid and court services increase the use of online tools, there is a concern that people without access to technology and high-speed internet will be left behind. This gap, referred to as the “digital divide,” is the topic of Legal Services Corporation’s (LSC) Talk Justice podcast released today.
November 17, 2021
Legal Services Corporation Awards More than $4 Million in Technology Grants to Strengthen Legal Aid to Low-Income Americans
LSC announced today that it is awarding 35 Technology Initiative Grants (TIG) to 29 legal services organizations totaling $4,268,938. These funded projects will provide greater access to high-quality legal assistance for low-income Americans and enhance the operations of legal aid organizations around the country.
November 17, 2021
2021 LSC Technology Initiative Grants Recipients
LSC announced today 29 recipients of 2021 TIG funding totaling more than $4 million.
November 10, 2021
LSC Board Chair John G. Levi Releases Veterans Day Statement
LSC Board Chair John G. Levi released a statement in observance of Veterans Day.
November 09, 2021
Talk Justice: Episode Twenty Two
Veterans advocates discussed how unfavorable discharges, known as “bad paper,” prevent veterans from accessing the basic benefits and services they need on the latest episode of “Talk Justice,” the Legal Services Corporation’s (LSC) podcast.
November 09, 2021
Veterans Advocates Join “Talk Justice” Podcast to Discuss Impact of Bad Paper Discharges
Veterans advocates join “Talk Justice” podcast to discuss the impact of "bad paper" discharges on veterans.
November 04, 2021
Leaders from the Veterans Services Community Join the House Access to Civil Legal Aid Caucus and LSC for Veterans Day Event
The House Caucus on Civil Legal Aid and the Legal Services Corporation (LSC) will co-host a briefing on veterans’ access to vital legal services November 9 from 1-3:00 p.m. ET. This is LSC’s fourth annual Veterans Day program, and this year it is being co-sponsored by the Congressional Caucus. Participants, many of whom served on LSC’s Veterans Task Force, will share findings from the task force’s report and provide insights into the civil legal challenges veterans face and how legal aid providers can better serve them.
October 29, 2021
Legal Services Corporation Applauds Restoration of the Office for Access to Justice and Release of the Legal Aid Interagency Roundtable Report
The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) applauded the Department of Justice’s restoration of a standalone Office for Access to Justice and the release of the Legal Aid Interagency Roundtable Report on the pandemic’s challenges to access to justice.